The wide availability and adoption of drones in the construction industry provide new and exciting benefits to all types of projects.

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Some people have adopted drones as an amusing pastime – a toy to be played with. Others see them as a nuisance and a threat to their personal privacy. However, it didn’t take long for a vast array of businesses to see the potential conveniences inherent to utilizing drones in a professional capacity.

Amazon jumped on the bandwagon with the idea of using drones to deliver packages more quickly and at less cost to consumers than standard shipping rates. The government has been using drones for years to aid in military operations (as witnessed by the use of drones in the Bin Laden raid that resulted in his death).

Plus, there are scads of other industries using drones for the purposes of aerial photography and viewing areas that are difficult to reach or dangerous to enter. The list of top users includes agriculture, infrastructure/utilities, real estate, and construction.

In fact, drones have had a marked impact on the construction industry, changing and improving the way businesses operate. Whether your specialty is pier foundation or you’re building homes and high rises, here are a few things you should know about drones in construction and how they can benefit your operation.

Prep Work

Early adopters of drone technology in the construction industry saw the potential of camera-laden drones for the purposes of surveying job sites, an essential element of preparing new construction projects. Whereas this process has traditionally relied on a variety of pricy land surveying equipment working at the ground level, drones can conduct the process much more quickly and efficiently. The results are easy to understand and accurately map areas large and small for a lot less expense.

Monitoring and Management

Once constructions companies started using drones for surveying, it quickly became apparent that they could be employed for a variety of other uses on construction sites. Considering that the average construction business might have multiple job sites in play at any given time, the convenience of monitoring would make owning and operating drones a dream, in and of itself.

In the past, owners may have had to shuttle between several job sites in different neighborhoods, cities, states, or even countries, relying on foremen and managers to handle the day-to-day operations and report back. These days, drones can be used to monitor work sites, relaying photos and video, so that busy owners can virtually receive first-hand information.

This data can be used to chart the progress on a job site, helping companies stay on track with construction milestones and spot potential problems before they turn into major snafus. They can also be used to inspect structures from every angle, ensuring that they are properly built and even that they are attractive all the way around.

Of course, one of the biggest potential job site improvements drones provide is added safety. They can be used to inspect every aspect of a construction project; from the time the building foundation is laid until the last shingle is nailed to the roof.

Drones get a view that workers on the ground don’t generally have access to, providing additional opportunities to spot potential hazards and prevent harm. They can also be used to keep an eye on employees, ensuring everyone is following safety regulations on the job.

Keep Clients Happy

It’s not uncommon for clients to pester construction companies for frequent updates on their projects, whether they’ve contracted for foundation construction or they’re building a shopping center. Drones make it easy to provide quality photos or video of progress on the site remotely so that clients aren’t constantly visiting, disrupting work, and creating potential safety issues.

Maintain Records of Jobs

Everyone in the construction industry, from foundation contractors to commercial builders, needs to make some effort to keep comprehensive records of their operations. This is important for a couple of reasons.

First and foremost, there are legal considerations. If a construction company is ever under review by authorities or they need to answer questions about occurrences on the job site, having drone footage on hand could facilitate a speedy resolution.

In addition, these materials could be used in a promotional capacity to highlight quality of work, attention to safety, and other positive factors that can help companies to nab new clientele. In short, there is no end to the benefits to be gained by using drones in the construction industry.